Lyndy Jewell



The seed was planted | How it began





Who Lyndy Jewell speaks to:

Lyndy connects with people. Beautiful souls from all walks and stages of life.

Many of her clients are grateful to be able to connect into the perspectives of their past, clear our the heaviness and allow a magnificently positive vibe to be brought into the present, opening them to all of the wonderful things their future has to offer.

What makes her different?

From the time she was tiny, there’s always been a heartfelt desire to help others.

With her clair senses firing on all cylinders, Lyndy enjoys lightening the load for her clients & assisting them to create a life they thrive in. 

By using her Psychic, Intuitive skills, she helps people release the burden of their past experiences & truly connect back to the awesome brightness that is already inside of them but has been a little lost or clouded over. 

Lyndy is the creator of three oracle card decks (two on the sweary side plus a loving & gentle one perfect for kids) which have sold over 10,000 copies worldwide & have all been inspired by her desire to make energy work simple & accessible to everyone.

Before the bloom…

The growth experience | What we discovered

The desired outcome:

When Lyndy reached out, she had just launched her first oracle cards. Knowing exactly where she wanted to go with her business journey, she felt her current look and feel no longer aligned to her purpose. It was time to redefine her branding so that it felt her and had the capacity to continue to evolve as she and her business did.

Brand ethos:

Integrity, Support, Growth, Empowerment, Healing

Brand feels:

Down to earth, supportive, modern, fun

The brand | Our bloominous process


  • Visual Rebrand: aka. Overhauled their logo and built out varieties into a full-blown suite, fonts, colours and imagery to reflect their growing vision 
  • Style guidelines and advice on how to carry out consistency to all platforms, aka. how to use their new visuals 
  • Suite of illustrations, graphic elements and patterns throughout
  • Print Marketing Items: Note card, gift vouchers and letterhead.
  • Creative direction on how to style a variety of graphics across multiple platforms to reflect the vision and consistency of brand aesthetics

Brand got a little regrowth? We’ve got you, guuuurl

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