Beyond the Digital Horizon, There’s Marketing Opportunities You Might Have Overlooked

The era? Attention economy. Standing out in all our beautiful essence of what makes us unique like a tall sunflower amongst, well, a sea of other tall sunflowers?

It’s a balancing act between traditional and digital approaches. We believe the marketing landscape is one of the most fascinating industries. Why? It’s constantly undergoing evolution. Which makes it tricky as heck to keep up, especially as a small business. 

Let us guess, most, if not all of your marketing efforts are focused on digital tactics? You’ve probably sunk thousands into paid ads this year?

Whilst there’s 1000% nothing right or wrong with that, might you consider taking a few steps back and look at your strategy from a holistic lens?

Because after all, just as yin and yang come together in balance, your marketing plan can (and we believe should) include several approaches that combine multiple channels together to work in harmony and have a wider impact on communicating your message.

Let’s dive into the relationship between traditional and digital marketing and how they work in harmony to capture (and hold) your audience’s attention.

Tangible Presence with Print Media

Smartphones and social media at the forefront, print media – a mere memory of pastimes gone by when you ran through sprinklers on a hot summer’s day, your parents flicking through the catalogues to shop the coming week’s grocery specials.

A 2022 study by Marketingsherpa found that when it comes to making purchasing decisions, consumers are 82% in trust of print media as the top contender over other channels of marketing.

Investing in marketing assets like brochures, flyers and aftercare cards can leave a lasting impression. Why? Because physical interactions with your audience are opportunities to provide a recurring presence in their lives that digital ads often lack. Seen the ad once? Gone. Maybe peeks back for a second time if you’re lucky. Physical flyer? It sits on your fridge, in the bin (until it’s taken out), on the coffee table, your desk – you get the picture.

Of course you’ve probably had a printing company or even a graphic designer who quoted you higher than your budget allowed? So it made sense that going all-in on digital ads at the time.

Imagine taking your overpriced Facebook, Instagram or Google ad budget allocation each quarter and halving it to create another stream of opportunities? You could distribute your beautifully designed marketing materials in strategic locations throughout your business’ local community – not to mention, the brand visibility and point of difference to stand out goes through the roof!

Local Partnerships

Traditional marketing techniques like sponsoring local events, sports teams, teaming up with a fellow small business to cross-promote or community gatherings can create a positive image for your business. Associating your brand with local causes or events not only fosters goodwill but also exposes your business to a broader audience that might not be as easily reached through digital channels.

But please, make sure if you choose to align yourself (and your business) with any charities, events or potential partners, that they align with your brand values, not just for the sake of making some extra dosh.

It’s important you maintain authenticity and integrity when selecting opportunities within your local community, because after all, if it isn’t purposefully driven and guided, your clients (also in your smaller communities) will see right through it.

Direct Mail Power

Seemingly most people think this ship has sailed beyond sunsets, mountains and the naughties.

Lemme ask you this petal, when was the last time you received a handwritten, personalised postcard, letter or greeting card in the mail? How did it make you feel? Did you feel special? Loved? Basking in gratitude that another human being was thinking of you and shared the kindness of their time to make you feel seen and heard?

Pretty nice feeling, huh? 

Now we want you to open up your inbox right now, don’t worry, we’ll wait here.

How did you find it? Bombarded? Full? Overwhelming? Transactional? Leave it for another day, it’s too much to sort through?

Thought so.

A well thought out piece of snail mail fuelled with intention and heart can stand out like a rainbow in a school of grey fish. You’ve captured your audience’s attention. And sure, it takes time to hand write them, pop them into an envelope, put the address on, the stamp and then take it to the post box. But what if you paid one of your team members with that halved digital ad spend budget for the quarter?

Consider incorporating a heartfelt touch in your customer journey permanently or in your next marketing campaign and watch the head-turning, jaw-dropping magic happen.

Word of Mouth

…is NOt dead.

In fact, it remains one of the most powerful marketing tools. Simply because personal connections and networking are often forgotten offline. Attending events is one of the easiest ways to establish relationships with your local community.

And as we all know, the power of a strong network can lead to endless opportunities – think; referrals to your business, partnerships, sponsorships and all around increasing your brand’s awareness.

Billboard, please.

Yes they’re huge, yes you drive past at least one every time you get in a car and if it’s clever enough, you’ll chuckle or remember it.

That’s the silent power of these babies. Outdoor advertising in general (billboards, banners, signs and even those wind dancing things with the long wavy arms), has the potential to grab your attention when you’re typically deep in thought driving or being a passenger on a long road. It’s a thought interrupter, aka. Attention grabber.

(Points for the foot and bicycle traffic – they’re seeing your stuff here too.)

Investing in a strategically placed outdoor marketing asset is a great way to attract a local audience – your community of potential clients.

IRL Events & Experiences

What better way to connect with your audience than in real life? Hosting an in person event allows you, your team and your brand to leave a lasting impression.

Whether it’s a product or service launch, a how-to workshop or a VIP night, these events provide a unique opportunity for one-on-one, genuine interaction.

Your event attendees are more likely to remember your brand as they now have a deeper understanding and appreciation due to the sensory experience of physically engaging with your products, services and you.

These opportunities allow you to showcase your offerings, but more importantly (to your audience) how you embody the ethos of your brand. These moments communicate how your business builds trust and reliability through connection and behind the curtains, deep down, the humanness of your business comes to the forefront.

Whilst embracing online channels is crucial, integrating “traditional” marketing methods can create a well-rounded strategy that wholeheartedly lands in the minds of your audience. 

By harnessing the tangible presence of print media, fostering your community connections, sending warm and fuzzy snail mail, extending your reach to road traffic and hosting an in person event now and then, you are well on your way to a holistic plan to stand out in a crowd. 

Best part of all? It allows your brand’s memorability to shoot for the sun, moon, stars and beyond.