What Comes First? The Designer, Copywriter Or Web Guru?

We know that 2022 is a big year for you. All the creative ideas that are circling your brain right now are just the beginning of your vision for your business in the new year. 

Just like the age-old question of the chicken and the egg, we’re often asked what order to book creatives when it’s time for a refresh, revamp or total brand transformation. Whilst everyone does things differently, here’s our take on what works best when welcoming contractors into your brand and ensuring your time and money are used to their full potential.

Step One: The Brand Expert

Your brand expert and designer are going to come first and set the scene for the rest of your creatives. Working with your brand expert, you will get crystal clear on your vision for the business, who your ideal customer is and how through their incredible designs [if we do say so ourselves], you can be welcoming them through your door. 

Kicking off your journey with them is going to establish your brand personality and visual identity. These are the elements that showcase how your brand looks, feels and speaks to your dream client. It will not only set your biz apart from the competition but let your other creatives know exactly what the game plan is – saving you a tonne of time and them, a complicated brief. 

This first step may include designing or refreshing your logo, finalising your brand colours and typography, getting your social tiles in order, giving your print material a glow up or the whole she-bang! If you’re not sure what to prioritise, our complimentary pow wow calls are a great place to start. 

Step Two: The Web Guru

With your branding absolutely blooming, it’s time to show it off online. Your web designer should come next and establish a solid online hub for your clients to learn about your business and ultimately, press that book now button.

We see a streamlined experience when our clients work with their designer once their branding is finalised. This saves you a tonne of time and money as your web designer will know exactly how the site should look, feel and will often have the resources from us to make it happen. They are clear on your colours and fonts and can establish a website that represents your brand personality perfectly. 

If you discovered any golden a-ha moments during your brand overhaul, your web designer may be one of the people that brings them to life. Is our vision to be a leading skincare stockist or the go-to for gifts? Your web guru can support this journey by implementing an online store to your website. The lessons and oh so valuable insights from your branding experience can be carried through to how your customers experience your brand online. 

Step Three: The Copywriter 

There’s no doubt that your snazzy new website needs to be filled with incredible words! This is where the copywriter comes in. Often working in conjunction with your web designer, the copywriter is the third creative on your list that can work their magic once the website’s structure has been established. We recommend waiting until you know what your website is going to look like as this will help you effectively brief your copywriter and ultimately, they know how much to write!

Just like your website designer, your copywriter is going to bring your brand identity and personality to life. This time through the power of words. They will tinker with your tone of voice and overall essence of your brand to ensure that when your dream customer comes across your website, it not only looks like you but sounds like you too. 

Bonus Round: The Social Expert 

We’ve added a bonus round to your creative squad because let’s face it, you HAVE to be showing off your brand on social media! One of the key touchpoints where your brand will be engaged with, social media will consistently remind your dream customer of your brand and why it should be their go-to. Tee up your biz with social media support, such as a strategy, and bring all of the above investments to life and in front of your customers. They can utilise your new look, sound and feel to ensure that the process from in-person, online to on socials is seamless, consistent and absolutely blooming with your brand vibes.

We would absolutely love to be on your creative squad in 2022 and can’t wait to chat with you during your complimentary powwow call. The best part? We can totally hook you up with some of our favourite industry creatives to make all the magic happen.