How Often Should I Refresh My Branding?

In an ever-evolving digital landscape, it can be a time-consuming source of frustration to keep your brand on-trend and in front of your target market. 

When we think of ‘brand trends’ our minds instantly process the visuals, but what I’m talking about is a whole new set of elements; social awareness, authenticity and community-centred focus.

Building and developing your brand involves understanding your audience, their wants, needs and how to solve their problems.

Your branding doesn’t light up your dream clientele

Customers in 2020 are smart. Like super smart. They consume hundreds of pieces of media a day to know when a brand is doing their sweet thang and when a brand has forgotten to get with the times. They’re also ultra-quick decision makers and use the face value of your brand to make instant decisions about how they feel about your business. Savage right?! This alone showcases how important it is to be on top of your brand game. 

A solid brand lets potential customers know who you are and what they can expect from you the moment they come into contact with it. It stands out in the eyes of your customer and feels fresh and attention-grabbing in a crowded industry. From the look of your logo, emotions evoked by your brand colours to the fonts and taglines used to introduce yourself, these branding elements are all strategic decisions that you can make to reach your dream client.

If your dream client is forward-thinking women in their 30’s but your brand is giving them more 1980’s retro chic, then it’s not enough to light them up and win their business over the competition. In a world where your brand introduces you before you even speak, a refresh is a must when it’s not connecting you with the right people. 

Your business is telling a different story these days

It’s very common for businesses in the hair, beauty and wellness industries to evolve and become more niche than they were to begin with. Whether you’re a salon that’s transitioned into offering strictly skin treatments, a business that’s introduced a whole new wellness menu or a hair studio that’s now the go-to for toxin free hair services, these business achievements need to be proudly represented in your branding. 

With a change in business focus comes new demographics of clients to target, new messaging to convey in marketing and a whole new visual identity that needs to be celebrated. We cannot expect customers to “just know” when we’ve made significant changes to our business (that we know they’re going to love). They not only have to be able to find out about it through your marketing but sense it through your branding. 

A brand refresh ensures your new focus is acknowledged in every element of your business, your existing clients are kept up to speed and your new clients know exactly what they’re getting when they walk through your door. 

Your branding feels outdated in a competitive marketplace

Even some of the world’s biggest brands have refreshed their image to stand out against the competition! Think back to the 90’s where we had the multicoloured apple on our bright coloured computer versus today where we experience nothing but clean fonts and monochromatic products when we step into an Apple Store. 

Looking at some of your favourite brands, what is it about them that keeps people coming back? How have they adapted and evolved as their industry has changed? Why do they come to mind right now to begin with? 

Take some time to reflect on your own brand and whether the way your brand is seen by the outside reflects what is on the inside. Is your logo representing your business ethos? Do your colours and fonts speak to your ideal customers? Is your lack of brand meaning you’re getting lost in the crowd? Picking up on these opportunities is a great way to identify whether a brand refresh is needed. 

Refreshing your brand can keep people engaged and interested in your brand. In a society where we’re constantly scrolling, we want to ensure it’s your brand that makes them stop, read and book. Ready to give yours a glow up? Let’s chat!