It’s easier than you think
We get it. You are all creators of incredible skin, hair and good vibes but when it comes to graphic design, you’d rather leave that to us. *and we thank you* Fortunately, we’re all about branding solutions that won’t give you a headache, but rather, ones you might actually find enjoyable! Enter, Canva.
Canva is our absolute favourite design tool for businesses who want to up their social and branding game. With easy drag-and-drop systems, a tonne of available imagery and millions (literally) of templates for inspiration, Canva is your affordable design solution.
We love Canva so much that we built a course about it! If you’ve worked with us before, you’ll know that we love to deliver some of our branding assets via Canva so you can continue to help them bloom. If you’re more lash tech than tech savvy, our Bloom Bootcamp course sets you up with all the must-know tips, tricks and hacks to make Canva part of your branding squad.
It’s another amazing brand touchpoint
Creating branded social tiles is another brilliant way to add a branding touchpoint to your digital presence. Now, you all know how much we love a touchpoint and social media is always a front running example of a great branded touchpoint.
Creating content that looks, feels and sounds like your brand makes the content you’re sharing so much more memorable. It’s the content you’ll find people will share, tag their friends in and save for later. It helps your brand to stand out in your dream client’s social media feeds and help them to recognise you quicker (hello, brand awareness!).
Remember, every time your ideal client shares your tile, that’s exposing your brand to a whole new audience of people and chances are, they’re more of your kind of people.
Branded social media tiles also lights up your dream client because they will start to resonate with your message. Using your official colours, fonts and tone of voice, these tiles start to tell a customer a lot about your brand and its personality. This comes back to our font and colour psychology lessons and knowing your cmyk from your caps lock can be a total game changer in crafting strong emotional connections with your ideal audience.