What the heck is community?

Guest Blog Feature By Tamara Reid

If there are two words that have trended in business this year it’s community and culture. While they may be trending, the question on everyone’s lips is – what exactly is a community and how can you create culture within your business?

By definition, community is ‘a small or large social group of living things that have something in common, such as norms, religion, values, or identity. Simply put, as humans we feel comfortable being connected with others who like the same things as us!

If you look at the animal kingdom we see the pack mentality is strong, bonds are unbreakable and happiness is high. This is a vast difference from the human race where we are experiencing disconnect and isolation more than ever. Originally, social media platforms were created for connection, though with the comparison and onset of social media anxiety, people are experiencing more disconnect than ever before. Less touch, less chat and less presence, results in a loss of tangible community.

Offline, in the business of beauty, it’s common for a business owner or therapist to speak only within their inner circle of clients and employees. What happens when we exhaust that allocation and want a second opinion or confirmative conversation is we turn to our family and friends who often provide us impractical advice, which doesn’t translate into our industry.

For this very reason, we have started creating a community to encourage beauty business owners to open these conversations and seek answers from other beauty business owners within the industry. Traditionally, surrounding businesses have been seen as negative competition. Perhaps we believe they will steal our staff or take our clients, however at Beaute Industrie we don’t operate on this mentality.

By creating these inclusive, like-minded connections, we are building community and resetting industry culture though bringing awareness to industry problems and situations we are all facing.

This community feeling permeates the business owners motivation and confidence which has a direct flow and effect with the culture of the team and team with the clients.

If there’s one thing women crave, it’s validation, reassurance and connection. To feel like what we are doing is of value, to be reassured that what we are doing in business is correct and to feel a part of something that’s bigger than us – a network of supportive sisters around us is exactly that!

So when you’re next invited to a beauty industry networking event, say yes. When you’re asked for help from your neighbouring beauty business, say yes. When your team asks for dinner out to meet their monthly target, say yes. Open yourself to every opportunity to build community and create culture.

Tamara is the Founder and Director of Beaute Industrie, Beaute Business and Sensitivitea. A big advocate for creating a great team culture, connecting through community and collaboration over competition.

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